“One Piece” is a manga and anime telling the story of the pirate crew of the Straw Hat, who set out to find a legendary treasure. This series, which has been published for 25 years, has won a multitude of loyal fans around the world. Hobonichi brand has created a unique series of products so that we can immerse ourselves in the world of One Piece on a daily basis!
The cover is made of tie-dye material in bright red and decorated with scattered meaningful items from the world of One Piece, including main character Luffy's straw hat, Den Den Mushi's telepathic snail and Log Pose, which shows directions.
Hobonichi Weeks is a compact weekly calendar that weighs less than 140g, with 240 cream pages, and this is thanks to the world's thinnest paper, Tomoe River S.
Hobonichi Weeks consists of:
-an annual calendar for 2024-2026 and an annual index for 2025,
-a monthly calendar covering 16 months from December 2024 to March 2026,
-a weekly calendar covering 13 months from December 2024 to December 2025.
The spread for one week consists of a page with a weekly calendar and another with space for notes. A quote is assigned to each week. After the calendar section, there are 69 check-printed pages, which we can use for taking notes or writing our thoughts. The notebook is finished with additional pages that will make our use of the planner more pleasant. These include a page where we can write down our favorite things, or create a list of a hundred places to visit or books to read. At the end of the calendar are auxiliary pages for measuring length, tracking habits, or writing down a list of contacts. The notebook has two tabs and a transparent, pasted pocket.
A serial number on the inside back cover gives each planner a unique touch.
The calendar has a stiff, flexible cover and navy blue and beige fabric bookmark.
Hobonichi Weeks notebooks can be complemented with additional silicone or fabric covers to serve as a wallet. The covers are sold separately.
Materials | Paper, polyester
Dimensions of the calendar including cover | 188 × 94 × 11 mm
Made in Japan