The Kuretake marker contains a water-based masking fluid in a soft, light grey shade, making it easy to precisely trace the layers applied. It effectively protects the paper from the effects of watercolour paints, ink and water, without interfering with the colour composition workflow.
With the marker acting as a temporary protective coating, you can concentrate on painting without worrying about accidentally staining the details you want to keep in their original white.
The marker comes with an interchangeable tip of the same size.
How to use:
1. to use the product, press the tip gently against the paper to soak the tip with the masking fluid At the same time, be careful not to damage the tip.
2. Try the product, on a test sheet to familiarise yourself with its performance. Depending on the type of paper, the product may have different properties.
3. Apply the product to the correct sheet in the way you planned beforehand and then paint over it with watercolours.
4. Once the colour has dried, remove the masking fluid with a pencil eraser.
5. Remember, the longer the masking fluid stays on the paper, the worse it will be to remove.
The masking marker has a 2.0 mm (fine) tip, which is a medium-sized, gently rounded tip made of synthetic felt. It is great for medium line thickness and for working on larger formats.
Made in Japan