The history of the BLACKWING pencil begins in 1930, when it is introduced to the market by Eberhard Faber. The Blackwing pencil quickly became a cult, thanks to the Grammy, Oscar and Pulitzer Prize winners who used them.
When their production came to an end in 1990, something extraordinary happened that added another chapter to its history. The leftovers that remained on the retail market reached the dizzying price of US$ 40 apiece, earning it the title of the most expensive wooden pencil in the world.
High-quality graphite and a replaceable eraser - these are the distinctive features of the Blackwing, which have been appreciated by many famous artists around the world.
Blackwing has been used by, among others, John Steinbeck, Stephen Sondheim, Leonard Bernstein, as well as Chuck Jones, who created Bugs Bunny and many other characters from the popular Looney Tunes cartoon using this unusual pencil.
For many creators, they are the best writing and drawing utensils in the world.
The new iteration of the iconic BLACKWING Matte pencils - Mattte Green features a matte green finish, copper details including the print and sleeve, and a taupe eraser.
It contains the same soft graphite used in our classic matte black pencil.
Material | Cedar wood
Graphite | Soft
Quantity | 12 pieces
Packaging | Kazton box
Made in Japan